Thank you for contributing to West Edge Opera
A 501(c)3 non-profit, West Edge Opera relies on your donations to keep productions afloat;
ticket sales account for only 17% of our annual operating budget.
Large or small, we appreciate your contribution!
Tiers of Support
Fan ($1-$249)
• Thank you for making what we do possible.
Supporter ($250-$499)
• Listing in the Festival Program Book
Benefactor ($500-$999)
• All of the above plus...
• Invitation to special events including a season preview with Mark and Jonathan
Patron ($1,000+)
• All of the above plus...
• Access to the presale ticketing period for the festival
• Invitation to all festival dress rehearsals
• Priority Parking for all performances (requires $1500 minimum)
• Access to the Major Donor lounge during festival
Artist Sponsor ($3,000+)
• All of the above plus...
• Your name listed next to the sponsored artist in festival program
• If interested, a keepsake photo taken of you and artist
Production Sponsor ($10,000+)
• All of the above plus...
• Your name listed on the title page of your sponsored production
• Attend rehearsal of your production
• A photo of you and the cast and crew on the set
Festival Sponsor (15,000+)
• All of the above plus...
• Your name listed on program title page and promotional materials
• VIP presale service
Company Sponsor ($25,000+)
• All of the above plus...
• Your name or logo on all West Edge print and website
A gift of appreciated stock may have significant tax advantages: you will avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation, and can take the current market value of the stock as a deduction. Please contact us – or ask your broker do so - for more information, including the account and DTC numbers needed to make the transfer.
Our tax ID is 94-2739808 and mailing address is 1700 Shattuck Ave #312, Berkeley CA 94709